Thursday 11 June 2009

Avent Baby Bottles Review

When Austin was born we were given many different bits and pieces, some of which were bottes. Personally i really don’t know what can go wrong with bottles; surely all you do is fill them up, stick a teat on it and your away. Well the Bottles we use are Avent bottles and they truly are terrible, and if I could afford to replace them right now “I would”.

The problem is that they leak, the tops of the bottles need to be placed on perfectly (easier said than done), otherwise you can be sure you will either spill it when you shake it or when you are feeding. My recommendation would be stay away from this brand of baby bottles no matter what the discount is. The bottles were bought from mothercare (yes again).

Apart from avents bottles I have never had a problem with any of their other baby equipment, in fact we use their baby steriliser which I will cover in a later article.

If you don’t heed this warning you can buy them for in the region of £15-£20 for 4 bottles

baby bottles

Wednesday 10 June 2009

Swaddle Me from Mothercare

The Swaddle
I recommend that if you have a newborn baby, a swaddle (swaddle me) is a necessity. The reason i say this is because swaddles will stay on all night long you won’t have to worry about the little monster kicking it off and then waking up crying because they are cold, it also keeps them snuggled making sure they don’t wake themselves up with their hands.

When Austin (our son) was born they only sold poor versions of this item in the UK and we were really quite lucky with the fact my Girlfriends mom lives in florida and sent us one over. I really have no idea what we would have done without it.
Five months down the line and we are starting to see these better quality swaddles in the UK, when is talk about better quality i mean things like the material (the newer swaddles are alot softer then the previous versions), the newer versions also have Velcro which is definitely key if you don’t want the swaddle to come off during the night (babies can become very wriggly).

You can purchase these swaddles from Mothercare, they come in 3 different sizes and the cost ranges from £12.99 - £16.99.

Swaddle me

My first Blog on Baby toys

so I recently had a baby boy with my girlfriend, he is 5months old and cuter then I think either of us could ever have imagined. My name is Conners and I am 20 living in the UK.

Now that our little man is a little bit bigger and needs toys to keep him occupied, I thought it was ideal time for me to keep an up to date review of all the toys and baby equipment that we have tried and tested, only 5 months in and we have abundance. We can help others to either not make the same mistakes we did, or alternatively express our delight and certain products.
We tend to buy a lot of our bits and pieces from mothercare including bedding, high chair, pushchair etc. All of which i will be giving a full in depth review.

My aim is to not only share with you my personal experiences of baby toys, but also for you the reader (at current) to share your thoughts and own personal experiences. I love any such feedback that is given. This can be your own review that you think would fit well on my site or alternatively constructive criticism. I am a relatively new blogger so your patients is greatly appreciated.